Thursday, March 14, 2019

Compare and Contrast Mitosis and Meiosis Essay -- Biology

Comp ar and Contrast Mitosis and MeiosisMeiosis and mitosis describes the sue by which jail booths divide,either by asexual or sexual upbringing to produce a new organism.Meiosis is a song of cell section that produces gametes in humansthese are egg cells and sperms, each with rock-bottom or halved number ofchromosomes. The number of chromosomes is restored when two gametesfuse together to form a zygote. A cell with two copies of eachchromosome is called diploid cell and a cell with one copy of eachchromosome is called a monoploid cell. Meioses produces haploid daughtercells that are catchingally different from each some other and from theparent cell. However, mitosis is a form of cell division that producesdaughter cells analogous to the parent during repair or growth. Eachcell contains the same genetic code as the parent cell, it is able todo this because it has copied its declare chromosomes prior to celldivision. Meiosis consists of two divisions whilst mitosis is fol lowedin one division both these processes involve the stages ofinterphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.Meiosis allows cell variation and genetic differences betwixt eachcell whereas mitosis is an exact replication of each cell. There arethree main ways meiosis produces genetic variation, this through freelancer assortment, crossing over and random fertilization. Duringthe first meiotic division in prophase I the homologous chromosomesjoin together to form biv...

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